Jahr: 1914
Verlag: Verlag Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld, Leipzig
Beschreibung: englisch, Band 94 inkl. Anhang und Wörterbuch, grauer Leineneinband, leicht bestoßen, sehr guter Zustand
10,00 €
(Endpreis inkl. MwSt.* zzgl. Liefer-/Versandkosten)
Die ersten Sätze des Buches "On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history" (Thomas Carlyle):
"Thomas Carlyle was born on the 4th of Dec., 1795, at Ecclefechan, in Annadale (Lowlands of Scotland) as the eldest son of a village mason. After havin received some rudimentary schooling from his parents, he was sent to Annan Academy (1806), whence he proceeded to Edinburgh University; his father having recognised young Thomas' inclination for study, and having therefore determined to let him go in for the ministry. This was in 1809.
zum Gesamtangebot des Antiquariates